
Meal Plan for My Female Volleyball Athlete

Introduction For today's blog, I am going to be sharing about a sample meal plan for my female volleyball athlete. My player is 147 pounds (66.7 kg) and I calculated her energy requirements by multiplying her weight in kg by her energy expenditure level, which in this case was Moderate Activity (37 kg/kcal/d); therefore after calculating 66.7 x 37 = 2,467 kcal/d is the amount she needs to be consuming. Specific nutrients that she needs to take is 50-60% of CHO, 10-25% of Protein, 15-30% of Fat, and AT LEAST 9 cups of water a day. With the 2,467 calories needed, they should be consumed throughout 3 separate times of the day: Pre-competition (2-4 hours prior competition), Competition (Match that lasts at least 1 hour), and Post-competition (30-60 minutes after competition). Meal Plan Pre-Competition My athlete's pre-competition meal, which is 2-4 hours prior to competition is going to consist of: CHO: 2 slices of Wheat Bread (155 cal) Protein: 1 oz of White Turkey (3...